I was rushing from my home to attend a Ribbon Cutting for a Business I was curious to get to know.
I opened the car door, slid in, put the key in the ignition and nothing happened. Ok, not nothing. There was a clicking and then nothing. After a phone call to my brother (whom is younger than I and... whom is now no longer the head of the family) he informs me I should call my daughter or her boyfriend. Which I did.
He is not her boyfriend really, he is her fiance`. He rushed right over to help me. Jumped the battery and called me later to follow up. He is not Oscar Wilde but he is gallant.
The battery was too dead to be tested so it had to be removed and charged and then tested. It was very, really dead. I bought a new battery and tootled along on my merry way. I posted on Facebook with a photo about my little adventure.
Within moments there was Oscar Wilde. He asked me if I needed help. I have not seen nor have I heard from him in months. Maybe I gave up looking. Maybe I just quit caring or believing. Maybe I set hope free and it went on journey without me.
I have many male friends and many live within a few miles of me. Did I hear from any of them? No. Do they think me capable and independent?
Do they think I have family who will help? A boyfriend? Do they not care, not want to get involved, sigh with relief it was not them? Pray someone else will respond and "deal" with me? I don't know they are all silent.
I am happy Oscar is back. I have missed him. I have needed him. Something I would never have dreamed I would say out loud. What is so brilliant is Oscar has no fear of me and I am so grateful. He takes me seriously and difuses how serious I take myself. He tells me the reason, apparently for everything concerning me, is that I am no ordinary woman.
He says...
Ordinary women never appeal to one's imagination. They are limited to their century.
No glamour ever transfigures them. One knows their minds as easily as one knows their bonnets.
I have a strange fancy for you Oscar... he just winks and smiles.